Getting started with report writing using Quarto






  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

What we will create today


We will be using data from the latest TidyTuesday on polling places in the U.S.

  • The dataset contains information on the election day(s) in the state, polling locations and their addresses, and various other data points
  • We’ll be using a geocoded dataset thanks to @thedivtagguy’s geocoding analysis

Session materials

Session prep

To follow along with the exercises, please be sure that you:

  • Are on RStudio v2023.06 or later and have cloned the exercise repo
  • Or, have a account and can access the project

Native base R pipe |>

  • Introduced in R 4.1.0
  • Similar to the magrittr pipe
mtcars |>
  ggplot(aes(x = hp, y = mpg)) +

What is Quarto?

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

What is Quarto?

Quarto® is an


scientific and technical

publishing system

built on Pandoc.

What is Quarto?

Quarto origins

  • Open source project sponsored by Posit (formerly RStudio)
  • We’ve had 10 years of experience with knitr/R Markdown
  • But there are a lot of other programming languages…

Can we reimplement R Markdown such that it’s not tied to R?

Quarto goals

  • Create computational documents that hold source code for automation and reproducibility
  • Reduce how difficult it is to make a scientific document
  • Enable “single-source publishing” — create Word, PDFs, HTML, etc. from one source

Quarto formats

Quarto can create various types of documents, including:

  • Websites
  • Books
  • Blogs
  • Presentations
  • and, of course, reports!

Why Quarto?

  • Automation: Update your report and/or code output
  • Reproducibility: Document your process and make it easy to reproduce and replicate your work
  • Flexibility: Add multiple data sources, create figures, tables, diagrams, etc.
  • Single-source publishing: Ability to create HTML, PDF, Word versions from a single source

Why Quarto over R Markdown?

Ultimately, it’s up to you!

  • R Markdown will continue to be maintained, but Quarto will receive large future updates
  • If you use Python or Julia, you can use the same tool without depending on R. And other engines can be added in the future!
  • Quarto provides a unified ecosystem with shared expression for core features
  • Quarto also has extensions for customizing your documents

Getting started with Quarto

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Installing RStudio

You can use Quarto in RStudio, VS Code, Jupyter, Neovim, and other text editors.

Today, we will use RStudio, which comes bundled with Quarto.

Creating a new Quarto document

Create a new Quarto document by going to File > New File > Quarto Document.

  • Notice the .qmd extension of the Quarto document

Creating a new Quarto document

This is what the default Quarto document looks like:

YAML header

  • Metadata of your document
  • Demarcated by three dashes (—) on either end
  • Uses key-value pairs in the format key: value

YAML intelligence

  • YAML intelligence is available for project files, YAML front matter, and executable cell options

Markdown text

  • Markdown is a lightweight language for creating formatted text
  • Quarto is based on Pandoc and uses its variation of markdown as its underlying document syntax

Executable code

  • Code chunks begin and end with three backticks (usually)
  • Code chunks are identified with a programming language in between {}
  • Can include optional chunk options, in YAML style, identified by #| at the beginning of the line

Two editors: source and visual

  • RStudio includes a visual editor for Quarto markdown, including support for tables, citations, cross-references, footnotes, and more:

Creating a new Quarto document

Use the Render button to preview documents as you edit them.

  • Check off Render on Save to automatically render whenever you save

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Creating your Quarto report

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Edit the YAML header

  • Include metadata such as author, subtitle, date as well as customization options like theme, font color, fig-width, etc.
  • Here, we edit the title, author, and publishing date
  • embed-resources: true is very imporant to create self-contained HTML files
  • We can add global chunk options with execute
title: "Polling Places Report - Alabama"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false

Add a setup chunk

  • We can add chunk options on a per code-block basis by using #|
  • In this setup chunk, load all the packages and the dataset
#| label: setup
polling_places <- read_csv(here::here("data", "geocoded_polling_places.csv"))

Create a rough draft

Next, we can create a rough draft of the report by adding:

  • Text and text formatting
  • Headings
  • Lists
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Columns
  • Cross-references
  • Captions

Add figure with captions and labels

  • Add #| label: fig- to labels for cross-referencing
  • Use the chunk option #| fig-cap: to add a caption to a figure or table
#| label: "fig-statemap"
#| fig-cap: "Polling locations in the state"
#| results: hide
us_states <- states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m") |>
  filter(NAME != "Puerto Rico")

ggplot(us_states |> filter(NAME == "Alabama")) +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_point(data = polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama"),
             aes(x = longitude,
                 y = latitude),
             alpha = 0.4) +
  • Reference the figure in other locations using \@fig-label.
See polling place locations in @fig-statemap.

Add inline code

  • Add inline code (within Markdown) using `r`
  • When the document is rendered, the expression in the back-ticks will be executed


* Total number of counties: **65**
* Total number of polling places: **2075**
* Election Day: **2020-11-03**

Inline code:

* Total number of counties: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> distinct(county_name) |> count()`**
* Total number of polling places: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> count()`**
* Election Day: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> pull(election_date) |> unique()`**

Add footnotes

  • Add a footnote by using [^1] within the text, and [^1]: Here is the footnote. to write out the footnote.
In this report, we present a detailed overview of polling places in various counties across the United States, providing information on the total number of polling places and showcasing example locations for each county on election day.[^1]

[^1]: Data from

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 01-rough-draft.qmd

Iterating your reports

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Notice how much we’d have to repeat for each report

  • Manually creating tables for every county - 1881 counties!
  • Manually creating report for every state in the dataset - 39 states!

Let’s automate the county tables using knitr::knit_child()

  • knitr::knit_child() allows you to break your content into smaller, modular pieces
  • It involves having a “child” document as a template and running it repeatedly with different parameters
  • The “main” document “knits” or includes the output from the child document

Set up the “main” document

#| results: hide
counties <- polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> distinct(county_name) |> pull()

expanded_child <- counties |> 
  map(function(county) knitr::knit_expand("../_template.qmd", current_county = county))  |> 

parsed_child <- knitr::knit_child(text = unlist(expanded_child))

`{{r}} parsed_child`

Set up the “child” document

In another file called _template.qmd:

### {{current_county}} COUNTY

* Total Polling Places: `{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == params$state, county_name == "{{current_county}}") |> count()`
* Example Locations:

polling_places |> 
  filter(state == params$state, 
         county_name == "{{current_county}}") |> 
  head(6) |> 
  select(name, address.x) |> 
  kbl(format = "markdown")

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 02-iterate-report-knit-child.qmd

Let’s automate the state reports using parameters

  • Parameters refer to variables or values that you can set in the YAML header
  • These parameters can be used to specifying values that are used throughout the document
  • Using parameters means that we can create copies of the same report for different values by just changing the parameter in the YAML

Let’s automate the state reports using parameters

Source: Parameterized Reporting with Quarto by Jadey Ryan

Edit the YAML header

  • Use params in the key:value pair
title: "Polling Places Report - Alabama"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"

Replace hard-coded variables with the params variable

  • Use the params$state notation anytime there’s a hardcoded value
title: "Polling Places Report - `{{r}} params$state``"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"

Replace hard-coded variables with the params variable

  • Use the params$state notation anytime there’s a hardcoded value
ggplot(us_states |> filter(NAME == params$state)) +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_point(data = polling_places |> filter(state == params$state),
             aes(x = longitude,
                 y = latitude),
             alpha = 0.4) +


This includes our inline code and child _template.qmd document!

Edit params in the YAML to rerender the report for different states

title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "California"

Render the parameterized document

  1. Render button in RStudio
  2. Quarto CLI: quarto render polling-places-report.qmd -P state:'California'
  3. The quarto R package: quarto::quarto_render()
  input = here::here("polling-places-report.qmd"),
  execute_params = list(state = "California")

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 03-iterate-report-parameters.qmd

Render all 39 reports

Option 1:

  1. Change the params for each state and render the document
  2. Render the report
  3. Change the file name to match the parameter
  4. Repeat 39 times

Render all 39 reports

One HTML report for each state.

  1. Create a dataframe with columns that match quarto::quarto_render()
  • output_format: file type (html, revealjs, pdf, docx, etc.)
  • output_file: file name with extension
  • execute_params: named list of parameters
  1. Map over each row: purrr::pwalk(dataframe, quarto_render, quarto_render_args)

Create the dataframe to iterate over


polling_places <-
  readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "geocoded_polling_places.csv"))

polling_places_reports <-
  polling_places |> 
  dplyr::distinct(state) |>
  dplyr::slice_head(n = 5) |> 
    output_format = "html",
    output_file = paste0(
    execute_params = purrr::map(
      \(state) list(state = state))) |> 
  dplyr::select(output_file, execute_params)

Map over each row

  .l = polling_places_reports,                     
  .f = quarto::quarto_render,                   
  input = here::here("03-iterate-report-parameters.qmd"), 
  .progress = TRUE)

Let’s see it in RStudio!

  • Please open 03-iterate-report-parameters.qmd
  • Also open _parameters-render.R


Jadey Ryan is holding a workshop on parameterized report generation using Quarto with R-Ladies Abuja on February 21st!

Styling your reports

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Add a Bootswatch theme

  • Quarto includes 25 themes from the Bootswatch project
  • In the YAML, add an included theme using theme under html
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
    theme:  united
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 04-united-theme.qmd

Use extensions

  • Extensions are a powerful way to modify and extend Quarto
  • The Awesome Quarto GitHub repo has an extensive list of available extensions
  • For example, install and use the sketchy quarto extension
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 05-sketchy-theme.qmd

Use custom themes

  • Add an .css or .scss (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) file to your project
  • Include it in the YAML to use in your report
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
    theme: [default, custom.scss]
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"
/*-- scss:defaults --*/

@import url('');

$font-family-sans-serif: "Fraunces", sans-serif;
$presentation-heading-color: #446571;
$code-block-font-size: 0.6em;
$code-color: #5f5f5f;
$presentation-h2-font-size: 1.4em;
$link-color: #446571 !default;

Add a title banner

  • Include a formatted title block at the start of the report
  • Add to the YAML using title-block-banner
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    embed-resources: true
    theme: [default, custom.scss]
title-block-banner: images/flag.jpg
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "Alabama"

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 06-custom-theme.qmd

Rendering other formats

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Add other formats to the YAML

  • Quarto can render multiple formats from the same document
  • For example, add pdf to the YAML to render both HTML and PDF versions of the report
title: "Polling Places Report - ?meta:params.state"
author: "Isabella Velásquez"
date: today
    theme: [default, custom.scss]
  pdf: default
title-block-banner: images/flag.jpg
  echo: false
  message: false
  warning: false
  state: "California"

Let’s see it in RStudio!

Please open 07-multiple-formats.qmd

Thank you!

  1. Overview

  2. What is Quarto?

  3. Getting started with Quarto

  4. Creating your Quarto report

  5. Iterating your reports

  6. Styling your reports

  7. Rendering other formats

  8. Thank you!

Thank you!

I hope that you enjoyed getting started with reporting using Quarto! I’d love to see what you create:


