What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
We will be using data from the latest TidyTuesday on polling places in the U.S.
To follow along with the exercises, please be sure that you:
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
Quarto® is an
scientific and technical
publishing system
built on Pandoc.
Can we reimplement R Markdown such that it’s not tied to R?
Quarto can create various types of documents, including:
Ultimately, it’s up to you!
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
You can use Quarto in RStudio, VS Code, Jupyter, Neovim, and other text editors.
Today, we will use RStudio, which comes bundled with Quarto.
Create a new Quarto document by going to File > New File > Quarto Document.
extension of the Quarto documentThis is what the default Quarto document looks like:
key: value
at the beginning of the lineUse the Render button to preview documents as you edit them.
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
embed-resources: true
is very imporant to create self-contained HTML filesexecute
Next, we can create a rough draft of the report by adding:
#| label: fig-
to labels for cross-referencing#| fig-cap:
to add a caption to a figure or table```{r}
#| label: "fig-statemap"
#| fig-cap: "Polling locations in the state"
#| results: hide
us_states <- states(cb = TRUE, resolution = "20m") |>
filter(NAME != "Puerto Rico")
ggplot(us_states |> filter(NAME == "Alabama")) +
geom_sf() +
geom_point(data = polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama"),
aes(x = longitude,
y = latitude),
alpha = 0.4) +
* Total number of counties: **65**
* Total number of polling places: **2075**
* Election Day: **2020-11-03**
Inline code:
* Total number of counties: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> distinct(county_name) |> count()`**
* Total number of polling places: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> count()`**
* Election Day: **`{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> pull(election_date) |> unique()`**
within the text, and [^1]: Here is the footnote.
to write out the footnote.In this report, we present a detailed overview of polling places in various counties across the United States, providing information on the total number of polling places and showcasing example locations for each county on election day.[^1]
[^1]: Data from https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday
Please open 01-rough-draft.qmd
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
allows you to break your content into smaller, modular pieces```{r}
#| results: hide
counties <- polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> distinct(county_name) |> pull()
expanded_child <- counties |>
map(function(county) knitr::knit_expand("../_template.qmd", current_county = county)) |>
parsed_child <- knitr::knit_child(text = unlist(expanded_child))
`{{r}} parsed_child`
In another file called _template.qmd
### {{current_county}} COUNTY
* Total Polling Places: `{{r}} polling_places |> filter(state == params$state, county_name == "{{current_county}}") |> count()`
* Example Locations:
polling_places |>
filter(state == params$state,
county_name == "{{current_county}}") |>
head(6) |>
select(name, address.x) |>
kbl(format = "markdown")
Please open 02-iterate-report-knit-child.qmd
Source: Parameterized Reporting with Quarto by Jadey Ryan
in the key:value pairparams$state
notation anytime there’s a hardcoded valueparams$state
notation anytime there’s a hardcoded value```{r}
ggplot(us_states |> filter(NAME == params$state)) +
geom_sf() +
geom_point(data = polling_places |> filter(state == params$state),
aes(x = longitude,
y = latitude),
alpha = 0.4) +
This includes our inline code and child _template.qmd
in the YAML to rerender the report for different statesquarto render polling-places-report.qmd -P state:'California'
Please open 03-iterate-report-parameters.qmd
Option 1:
for each state and render the documentOne HTML report for each state.
: file type (html, revealjs, pdf, docx, etc.)output_file
: file name with extensionexecute_params
: named list of parameterspurrr::pwalk(dataframe, quarto_render, quarto_render_args)
polling_places <-
readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "geocoded_polling_places.csv"))
polling_places_reports <-
polling_places |>
dplyr::distinct(state) |>
dplyr::slice_head(n = 5) |>
output_format = "html",
output_file = paste0(
execute_params = purrr::map(
\(state) list(state = state))) |>
dplyr::select(output_file, execute_params)
Jadey Ryan is holding a workshop on parameterized report generation using Quarto with R-Ladies Abuja on February 21st!
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
under html
Please open 04-united-theme.qmd
sketchy quarto
extensionPlease open 05-sketchy-theme.qmd
or .scss
(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) file to your project/*-- scss:defaults --*/
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Fraunces:opsz@9..144&family=Gilda+Display&display=swap');
$font-family-sans-serif: "Fraunces", sans-serif;
$presentation-heading-color: #446571;
$code-block-font-size: 0.6em;
$code-color: #5f5f5f;
$presentation-h2-font-size: 1.4em;
$link-color: #446571 !default;
Please open 06-custom-theme.qmd
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
to the YAML to render both HTML and PDF versions of the reportPlease open 07-multiple-formats.qmd
What is Quarto?
Getting started with Quarto
Creating your Quarto report
Iterating your reports
Styling your reports
Rendering other formats
Thank you!
I hope that you enjoyed getting started with reporting using Quarto! I’d love to see what you create: